
*sighs* No time to play

Oddly, I only ever seem to feel like blogging about frivolities. Like bags... me like bags!

Still, thought I should inform all interested parties that after my exams end on April 27, I sadly will have very little time to play as I start working for The Sun on May 2nd. *boo hoo*

I am however, eternally grateful to them for taking me in so willingly, and so quickly!

I'm starting out as a Stringer, and when I get my degree, I'll sign a contract with them for about 6 months (on a graduate's pay of course). After which I hope to leave and pursue my Masters in Oz.

So yeps, that's my life planned out for the next 2 years. =)

But *sobs* it STILL leaves me no time to play! (it's a good thing I rather view journalism AS play, it's that much fun. =P)


Anonymous said... I am, facing the danger of having my brains turning rusty because of the lack of 'lubricant' (something, anything to keep my brains going lah! Don't make me lose my halo). Around 6 months' worth of break is too much lah...I wish I can give some of mine to you. =/

Kahani said...

Lolz @ Algene. Yes, 6 months is prolly too long a break, but I would have liked a month off to bum. Ah well, at least I find the job fun. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Haha, good for you ;)