I am a dreadful excuse for a blogger and will very likely continue to be one.
Basically it's because I spend my days telling the world about what I do.... and when I come home the LAST thing I want to do is to continue staring at a screen and telling the world what I do.
But anyways, here's a conversation that will NEVER be published in the paper. ^_^
Editor: They've declared it a state of "darurat jerebu" (lit translation - 'haze emergency')
Me: What does THAT mean?
Colleague & MCA political writer: It means they've got soldiers marching through the streets with guns shooting anyone who's out without a respitory mask...
Me: for the sake of their health!
*everyone falls about laughing*
Editor: Oi you! Don't spread your communist philosphy here! Too much haze and MCA ah?
*everyone laughs harder*
Editor: *brandishes ruler* Go work! Geez...I think I've sent you guys out into the haze too often, CLEARLY brain cells have died from suffocation...
nice =) you should write about office antics more often, even if work is all your life consists of.
hey, darurat means state of emergency, right?
My BM is rusty like a really rusty thing.
Yes I would... but well.. the last thing I want to do is say something wrong that my company may find out about and I get screwed.
There are stories of this out there *dark music plays*
tht CLEARLY bit i suspect was put in by you lah.
you CLEARLY say that a lot =)
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