
Look familiar?

If you're not happy, there's always photoshop... well... from this we get this girl. Credit goes to Ash =p My own list of changes I wanted was slightly different. I guess we all have our own idea of what's pretty and what's not. = ) Ash is the best artist I know among my friends, his drawings and sense of style and beauty are absolutely spot on. More of his stuff.

No disrepect meant of course. I'm just having some fun. ^_^ I think I'll give her a name.

vesper : omg this is amazing, she's so pretty
vesper : i think i'm in love
ash : too bad she doesn't exist
vesper : T_T

Most of us have roughly the same idea of what's beautiful and what's not. Is the concept of beauty something innate or genetic, or is it a conditioned response to what we see idolized in society? As always the answer is probably somewhere in between. For the first time I'm truly appreciating the dilemmas that artists face. As I stare at her my impressions and feelings change : but the picture isn't changing, it's me that's changing in response to the picture.

What is beauty anyway. A perfect proportion of height or width. Perfect curves and smooth skin. We might as well be computers or robots if we judge based on such criteria. I only know what I like : apparently, I like thinner faces, perhaps indicative of slim girls in general (?) : and then I stop as I realise how stereotypical my concept of beauty is.

One of the final stories in Ted Chiang's SF anthology is regarding the concept of beauty as a defect. In that story, there is an implant people can get to turn off their sense of human beauty. But it's optional : and society is then split into two, with people on both sides of the divide wondering what it's like on the other side. Would society truly be a better place if we removed the idea that some people are born more attractive than others? And if you were born without the capability to discern what is beautiful and what is ugly, you'd be curious too, just like Adam and Eve wanting the knowledge of good and evil.

*edit* Side by Side comparison


Anonymous said...

If we didn't have to look at airbrushed models on the covers of magazines so often, we'd appreciate 'normal' beauty a lot better.. blame the media! >:O

I didn't notice the differences in that picture at first :P You should put the Before & After pics side by side :) But yes, Photoshop makes a huge difference.. *_*

Ash said...

Hahaha. Even without the airbrushed models on all the magazines I am afraid virtual beauty is almost always infinite. Never aging, never changing, left to the imagination to run as far as it would like too. In a sense, that is it's greatest weakness. You'll have to think about that one. I can't really explain.

Besides beauty is only skin deep. It's true

No insult meant too. But they ought to get another cho chang :( so all the guys are not just salivating over Hermione XD

Snipergirl said...

It sounds so wrong to say this but...

Hermione is HAWT.

*Goes and hides head in shame and joins the random pedos in pedo-land*

aetherfox said...

link for more posters from the movie

yes sniper hermione gets my vote as well. =p dunno why.

xenobiologista said...

David attenborough ( i think) did some documentary on the human face a few years back. Apparently the proportions of the ideal face are based on the golden ratio. Surprise, surprise.

Jerng said...

I've been across the divide. I walk the paths between. If you want, I can teach you. It might take weeks, or years. I've not successfully taught anyone else before. It took me years. ;)