
Business Opportunities Weblog

How Much Is My Blog Worth plus accompanying articles are interesting enough to warrant a read =p


Kahani said...

How does it work? I'd think it's a little flawed because it declared Jeff Ooi's blog "screenshots" ( to be worth $0.00. o_0

aetherfox said...

i think it only tracks blog links in "known" blogging domains such as blogspot, livejournal, xanga, etc.

Ash said...

erm... actually, i think it works on how many hits you get plus some extra criteria here and there. bottomline if you got very few people reading it often and you hit some border, it just reads as zero.

i.e. no advertistment company would use it to place ads.

aetherfox said...

well ash if you actually read the articles accompanying it... =p

Anonymous said...

looks like it's based on technorati's blog index. so if u've got more blogs in technorati's index linking to urs, u get a higher rank. nothing to do with hits i believe.

here's the link to the original calculation.