
Threads of friendship

There is this girl I have known for years. Although I think I will never see her again I won't use her real name : just say she's called L.

Anyway, L is severely obsessive, bordering on insanity. Character wise, she's extremely determined and motivated to get what she wants. That's where the problem lies, really. She recently SMSed me 10 times in a few hours to bug me to do something for her. She's scary. She got evicted from the apartment she was living in but refused to move : after weeks they finally had to call in the Fire Brigade to get her out. Then she calls me from the hospital and says they won't let her out.

I have just realised that the fact that L exists has brought so many people together in friendship. Basically a simple lunch among acquaintances can turn into a three hour bitch session... about L. So many diverse groups of friends have been combined together this way.

Well recently I discovered that L has a younger sister. I look at her and realise that she fits my mental image of what L would be like without the character quirks. She's tall, beautiful, carries herself very well, dressed very sharp and chic. Everything about her has to be perfect : that comes with the obsessive character trait I guess. Her hair is long, and perfectly kept, her glasses, just right and trendy enough for her outfit. Otherwise she wears contacts. So perhaps this one is obsessive as well but about something else : appearances. This could be the more dangerous one. Or is this the more normal girl the world expects?

It is a sad feeling I have. My friends have asked me why I am the only one who still does things for L or even consents to pick up the phone when she calls. I honestly don't know : for such a selfish person as myself...

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