
Miniature Painting

Another set of pictures... turns out close range focusing on my camera isn't too hot... focus on the backpack, and the arms and legs are blur... focus on the arms, and the body is blur.. probably something to do with the depth of field.. any suggestions?


Maybe I'm Back

I used to be a shutterbug. I stopped taking pictures for awhile - for some reason. Maybe I lost the habit of bringing my camera around - the big heavy bulky thing that it is.

This is the only good picture I've taken all year. Or at least, I like it a lot myself. I was supposed to frame it on the right with the Tram pole sign - and leave the Stop number and Route number more visible, but space and angle considerations beat me. The focus was originally on the chill, foggy night, the ghostly lit skeleton of a tree glowing quietly in the darkness, but now it seems the picture is more about this particular Stop - somewhere, for many of us, we've spent the best years of our life, loved and lost and lost some more. And then, like the turn of the seasons, we move on. There's always this longing to rewind the clock, to do things again, except that you're afraid that it will turn out the same again.

Would we do it all over again, if we knew it would end up like this?