
My Reward!

Everyone, meet the new love of my life (sorry Vesper)...

I've been eyeing this range of bags for over 2 months. I loved it at first sight, (the colours! the flowers!) but sadly I just couldn't justify the price. Then a month ago it went on sale, a 50% discount - from RM79 down to RM38, but still I said no... I have ENOUGH bags! And I held firm.

But I couldn't get it out of my mind. I dreamt about it, obsessed about it, stopped by the shop whenever I could to pat the pretty pretty bag. I teetered on the brink of indecision, then last night, kimmik tells me that she's bought herself a new bag for RM33! (See below)

And cute as it is it's nowhere near as pretty as my new love. She announced it as her pre-reward for almost completing her thesis, and since I've finished mine, by gum I deserve a new bag too! So today I zipped out and bought it. =D

Gone are the blues from dad losing my car keys (found them eventually), gone are the troubles and trials of impending final exams, no more are the woes of having a boyfriend stuck way way across the sea... I'm happy! (and incredibly shallow)

Besides its super pretty exterior, this baby is packed with pocketses. Enough to satisfy my die-hard organizing streak. On the outside, it has a front magnetic clasp pocket, and a back zipped pocket (perfect for my wallet). And on the inside, ah the inside *happy sigh*, it has one zipped compartment, one handphone pocket and THREE more miscellaneous pockets!

Happiness can be no more than this. =P


Anonymous said...

oi. you've hurt my bag's feelings.

Kahani said...

Pbbthhh! =P

You yourself said that 'pretty' was't you what. And it IS a cute, cool and nifty bag.

Anonymous said...

ok lah. i settle for cool. =D

Kahani said...

See? My bag's pretty.. but methinks it doesn't quite qualify as cool =P