
TMnet HotSpot Street Party

For the past 3 years I've been very much the homebody. Rarely going out and even then reluctantly. This is mainly because of Vesper. If I go out, I can't talk to him. End of story.

But of late my job has had me jet-setting off to Kota Kinabalu, formal evening dinners in KL, and tonight it was the TMnet HotSpot Street Party at Bangsar Village. Slogan for the event? "The Hottest Spot in town just got Hotter" *rolls eyes*

Me: Mom... I can't come home for dinner tonight. I have to go to a Street party in Bangsar.

Mom: WHOA! What for??

Me: Work? It's TMnet's party - advertiser.

Mom: *starts laughing*

Me: What?

Mom: *gasps* You.. you.. have a.. LIFE... now... *giggles*..

Me: It's not a life, it's my JOB

Mom: Yes... in spite.. of yourself... *sniggers* you.. have a LIFE!



Anonymous said...

Poor you =)



Shuuji said...

Woi vesper...didn't know you were the downfall of em's social life. :D

So how was the street party?

Kahani said...

ken: okay-lah. No alcohol so it was a tame non-wild party. 4 M'sian Idol finalists - Dina, Rydee, Vic & Zamil performed. The guy from the tmnet advertisement - the bald dude dancing on the LRT was there dancing with the blue hyppo. But it was well... pretty dull to me lah. I'm just NOT cut out for this sort of thing! Thank goodness for other journalists - who, I now realise, are my fave type of ppl. =P

xenobiologista said...

I'm free for the next coupla weeks...want me to come down to KL and say hi?

Kahani said...

YES! We can organise a get together with Art, Jer, You, Pet... hmm.. Sheng's not back yet, darn. Anyone else from the 'old' crowd?

Shuuji said...

who's xeno?

Shuuji said...

Oh nevermind

Keem said...


am so jealous.

xenobiologista said...

Which newspaper are you working for, again? Do they have any positions open?

Kahani said...

The Sun, and nope they really don't at the moment.

The Star's hiring though. =)