

I am very impressed by House. Medical drama; sure we've seen it before, but not quite like this. I really like the acting, and how the entire series drives forward based around the interactions between the protagonist (Gregory House) and everyone else around him. It's very much a character driven story. The medical bit - it's just fluff really.

Well I've only seen the first season of 22 episodes. House is head of Diagnostics at a teaching hospital, which means his team gets all the mystery patients. I actually like the script writing itself - always leaving us guessing, with some nice twists, and House is wrong just often enough to surprise us. But I'm always more interested in how he deals with his staff than what his patients are sick with.

The series also leaves me feeling rather disturbed. Alot of stuff dealing with ethics - and House is such a bitter man, it's hard not to feel for him. And sometimes, patients die because there is no right decision that you can make, but luckily they didn't do that too often =p


aetherfox said...

and you said you were only going to post when you had a profound thought =p

Anonymous said...

I love that show, too! ^_^v Although every episode is nearly the same (they always only get the right diagnosis towards the end of the show).

Actually, I love House's sarcasm. And Jesse Spencer the Ozie. :P Hmm, yeah, that's why I love the show.

aetherfox said...

tovya : why is it when i lose something it's always in the last place i look??? (because it's not like you're gonna keep looking after you find it, are you) i loved it when ps khin wee told us that so long ago =p

but honestly, yeah, i really don't think they have a choice, since they obviously can't get the right diagnosis early and then what are they going to do with the rest of the episode =)

did you just say you love Chase? hehehee... i think Wilson is more my kind, really =p

Mandy Wojcik said...

I love House :)

What really got me hooked on this show is that it wasn't about car accidents and cancer every week, they're dealing with a vast variety of illnesses that most of us haven't heard of.

Oh and while Chase and Wilson might be cool, House himself is my favorite: That sarcastic, bitter wit gets me everytime!

Snipergirl said...

OK, my opinion? Med doesn't work the way that House pretends it does. For one thing, the scenarios are preposterous and the diseases are both bizarre and somewhat incorrect in their portrayal. House himself would have been excommunicated from the church of medicine quite sometime ago if he really did practice that way.

HOWEVER. I do enjoy the show, a lot, when I watch it. I enjoy the character, and the over the top ridiculousness and the sharp humour. I think it's a pretty well written show if you ignore any dimension of reality. Which I suppose is why I like it. It's not pretending to be a realistic depiction of medicine, unlike ER, which fails. And, like Grey's Anatomy (heh.) which came on at a similar time of year, it's about the characters (which are somewhat exaggerated but similar to people you really meet in hospitals) rather than the realism of the setting or plot.