
i am patient

I still like this picture, even after so long. And I am no closer to obtaining a high resolution image of the full picture itself (the picture shows her full body with some funky background).

I can wait. I am a patient guy.

I have a sneaky feeling there are more female readers than male readers here. What this means, I have no idea.

There are times like today when absolutely nothing of worth comes through my mind. Tomorrow I have work to do, so then I can mindlessly grind at some data. My mind is numb. I think I talked too much today. Not enough thinking and observing.

There's discussion on some board about relationship advice. The irony of it. Asking a guy who's never had a relationship is a bad idea coz he presumably has no idea what he's talking about. Asking someone who has had several relationships for advice is a bad idea because, well, his ideas apparently didn't work out for him.

So much bad advice out there. Everyone is different. If you understand someone, and you desire to give him what he lacks, become what he needs, isn't that friendship, or is that something more. Isn't it selfish, seeking to make yourself irreplaceable? I can think of half a dozen reason why you would want to get together with someone, all of them sounding borderline psychotic. It's okay, everyone is insane anyway and we might as well indulge ourselves.

My opinion is that people should be honest. But I am still not sure if more people are hurt by lies or by the truth.

And so, I wait.

1 comment:

Mandy Wojcik said...

imo, sometimes the best relationship advice comes from people that haven't been in serious relationships themselves. They've not been there and their opinions aren't tainted by bad experience's. Relationship advice, wether we realize it or not is shaped by what we ourselves have learned the hard way and sometimes a pure thought or idea is worth far more. :)