

Parents totally misunderstand =p

A totally WTF moment... a friend asked to stay over for a few days and I said ok, and my mom wanted to call me and I explained that I probably wouldn't be in, coz a friend was staying over.

Took my mom a few days to come to the insane conclusion that I was having a relationship with this girl. o_o When she confronted me about it, it took me a full 30 seconds to realise what she was saying.

Argh. This is like being randomly accused of murder of someone you don't even know, that's how far fetched it felt.

( not to say the girl wasn't nice : I will always have a soft spot for her =p )

What's really annoying is that I never realised how little my parents know me. Well. Obviously. They can't know me if I don't tell them who I am : being away from home for so long, what are they to think? How could they even think, even conceive, that I might do something like that?

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