

Sniper : *sees MSN name*
Sniper : hillary duff !!!!?
Vesper : ZOMG I FAIL
Vesper : i accidentally left my MSN music plugin on...
Vesper : prepare to watch me cycle her whole album...
Sniper : omg
Sniper : but the real question is...
Sniper : where did you get this stuff!?!
Sniper : was it the complimentary background music on a paedo site?

Which does beg the question, and I do believe that that is precisely the target audience of these products.


aetherfox said...

i like her songs =p boo sniper, hiss! =p

*goes and hides face in shame in pedoland*

Snipergirl said...

This is what we do in Pedoland. We make money. =)

Snipergirl said...

Gosh, that was... so... shameless...

*spontaneous orgasm while looking in mirror*

Shuuji said...

I have friends who are 24 who look like 12 (with more mature clothes though), i kid you not. So if you want to be legally paedophilic, I can help. ;)