

I've been down with an annoying flu, not too bad, just annoying. I've gotten over it now, but at the height of the flu's annoyingness I had to sit down and write out a b'day card for kimmik.

As I set down and fished out a pen, sniffling all the while, I was seized with a dreadful sneezing fit. As soon as it died down I grabbed my pen and scribbled madly before being felled once again by a flurry of sneezes. Snatching up my pen again I made it all the way to my signature before being overcome once again. My eyes swimming with tears I picked up the pen one last time to attach my signature.

Kimmik says I must have been pretty bad. I signed my name EmiTy Lan.


Anonymous said...

At least you didn't turn it into Enmity Tan.


Anonymous said...

ey emity (sounds like m.e.t. larh)
thought i'd contribute to this post, check ur gmail =)