
Kagaya : Artemis

One of my favourite works by Kagaya.

Wonder where I can get the full sized images...

In other news, no word from immigration department. They've received my application, but haven't processed it yet. That's good, at least. If the police come to catch me I'll hide under my bed. Or maybe the cupboard.

Sniper was saying OMG now I know a criminal... and he's someone I lived with for a year!!!. She forgets that late one night she confessed to me that she's a criminal too. =Þ


Shuuji said...

That picture looks like those stuff they at the jigsaw world shop.

Anonymous said...

full as in not cropped?

wolf.. they are the ones used on the glow in the dark horoscope jigsaw puzzles. =)

aetherfox said...

full as in, the original resolution ones. from the zoomed in detail views you get the impression that the originals must be around 3000 or 4000 pixels square.

Snipergirl said...

My cover's been blown!